Any of those designs tend to give the illusion of broadness or exaggerate an already broad upper body. Quick Neckline Tip: Almost any variation of a square neckline can serve to broaden the body in an unflattering way, as well as thick straps or straps that rest far from the neck area. *** Square necklines with thick straps are a no-no. All clothing featured are handpicked to match the recommendations in this post. The links below are connected to affiliate commission accounts.

*** This page updates regularly to keep up with changing trends.

The guidelines below can help make clothes shopping for a muscular build simple. These are just a couple of the issues athletic women run into when searching for flattering clothing. Clothing designed for the masses can also create a boxy effect on an athletic woman, when she does not need it. And these designs often leave baggy or ill-fitting material in areas where athletic women are leaner than other women. This is because most clothing is designed for the masses: skinny, average, or plus-sized people. Some styles can artificially broaden our bodies and make us look blocky. We all know muscular women look great naked, but finding the right clothing to flatter our physiques can be tricky. I’ve since been able to wear dresses, skinny jeans, long-sleeved shirts - anything I wish. It was not until I learned that shapes (or the cut of an item of clothing) were my problem, not my body. I had athletically induced fashion disorder or AIFD (coined by myself). But around 2010, when my mom bought me a dress that made me look like a bulky mini hulk, I thought my muscles were too unfeminine to look appropriate in a dress. It’s kind of a source of pride: knowing I’ve grown enough muscle to burst out of clothes made for average girls and having an athletic build that is not the societal norm. This sort of problem can be nice to have. I have a history of ripping pants, long-sleeved shirts, and never finding jeans that fit my quads, calves, and waist uniformly. I was inspired to write this article after having an emotional experience with clothes.