However, they lose the ability to block once enraged.Īttacks that hit the chainsaw deal 80% less damage. Scrakes can also block in Killing Floor 2, reducing all damage taken by 10%. Once enraged, a Scrake never calms down again. While raging, it is capable of damage other zeds that get in its way. Once their health drops to a certain percentage (varies by Difficulty), a Scrake will rage and begin rushing madly after players. In the first Killing Floor, their outfits more resembled that of a doctor, while in Killing Floor 2 they look more like butchers. They are noticeable for being large, hulking monstrosities who wear masks and have a chainsaw in place of their right arm. It is one of the biggest threats outside of Bosses, along with the Fleshpound. If you don't have 100% confidence in parrying the next heavy attack, just do a normal blocking and back down to catch up the tempo, don't risk taking full damage, or you'll drive your medic mad.The Scrake is a giant specimen that appears in all Killing Floor games. Most melee weapons can use reload button to cancel the blocking recovery animation, which can decrease the time you need to begin the next parrying animation. Same applies to FP, unless you absolutely need to solo it with Pulverizer or hold it off, just take a single hit to derage it and get away immediately so your teammates can get another shot at it. You should also take action accordingly, don't face hugging every single zed you see, especially when your sharp/demo needs only one headshot to kill SC, they can't get a clear shot if you send the SC into various of unpredictable animations. So a common tanking tactic is to activate red eye by parrying, then switch to Bone Crusher blocking for maximum damage mitigation. The red eye buff gives you 40% extra all-damage resistance, which can be combined with other resistance. Most weapons block more damage when parrying than simply blocking, except Bone Crusher, which does the exact opposite.